Foundation Grant Fund:
The purpose of this Fund is to support grants to students, education providers and/or others that fulfill RVEF’s mission to enhance educational opportunities for the Children of the Rondout Valley Central Schools in partnership with the larger community.
Foundation’s General Fund: Undesignated donations will be directed to the general fund for operational expenses and dispersed to other Foundation funds as directed by the Board of Directors.
Classroom Grant Fund:
In September 2009 this fund was established by the RVEF fund educational programs and supplies not covered by the current school budget. This program is funded by RVCSD employee voluntary pay roll deductions, the Staff Tribute Program and designated donations. Teachers and support staff are eligible to apply for mini-grants for classroom instruction. Contributions come from the Payroll Deduction Program, Staff Tribute Program and other designated donations.
Science Research Program Fund:
The purpose of this fund is to assist students with the expenses related to their research projects, symposium/competition participation and cost of the guest speaker at the SRP Annual RV Symposium. Students learn the process of applying for grant funding for their research projects with assistance from the Foundation in understanding the grant protocol information and completing the required grant application and final report forms.
RVEF Designated Funds:
- 6-12 Life Skills Class – is designed to continue the enrichment of the student’s educational experience by providing real world opportunities to practice social, communication, motor and employment skills that take into account the vast spectrum of activities of this population. The monies earned through club activities, which include Brewing Independence and Gourmet Café, will be used locally on field trips and other off-site activities to assist with practicing the student’s abilities outside of the school.
- Alumni Choir – The Rondout Valley Alumni Chorus group is made up of former students in the music program who continue to have an appreciation of their experiences at Rondout. Music continues to be a part of their lives and as such they gather together to rehearse and present music to our community. In addition to giving their musical talents they also will be raising funds to support the continuation of our vibrant music program at Rondout and donate to other groups that support the children of the RVCSD.
- Athletic Fund – to distribute monies toward the entire athletic program at RVCSD. This might include team party supplies, senior banners, flowers, coach uniforms, or other related necessities not covered by our current budget.
- Farm to School Fund – 100% of designated donations to this fund will be used to purchase food from Rondout Valley Growers for the RVCSD Food Service Program.
- Field Hockey Booster Club Fund – This fund benefits the hockey program and the students involved.
- Fireboat John J. Harvey Project Fund – This is a Service Learning project that concludes with a field trip to visit the fireboat as the culminating event of the John J. Harvey – 9/11 Interactive Museum Project. The Museum Project involves teachers and students from schools throughout the district in a multi-disciplinary and multi-age exploration of the meaning of 9-11 through the creation of museum displays and interpretive projects.
- HS Advanced Graphics Fund – this fund benefits the HS Advanced Graphics Program and the students involved. Students and local businesses collaborate to design and print 3D logos through the 3D Printed Logo Filament Fundraiser.
- HS Music Booster Fund – The Rondout Valley Music Boosters are a community organization that exists to support the music program at RVHS and the RVCSD. Membership includes parents, students, teachers, and members of the community who wish to help enhance the educational experience of the students in the music program.
- HS TIP Boosters – designates funds for use by teachers who teach students who require a more therapeutic learning environment. The funds can be used for trips, activities, student incentives, events and classroom materials.
- Middle School Band Fund – exists to enhance the educational experience of the students in the music program at the Rondout Intermediate and Junior High Schools.
- Newcomers Uplifted Fund – Newcomers uplifted is a freshmen orientation program designed to help new high school students become acclimated to the high school community. The goal is to build a safe positive and productive school community for all students. Select students in grades 10-12 are Peer Leaders who run peer groups and guide the freshmen throughout the first semester of their freshmen year.
- RVCSD Summer Arts Camp Fund – benefits student learning through classroom instruction during summer camp programs in the areas of STEM and art.
- RVHS Ceramics Fund – The purpose of this fund is to raise money for the Ceramics classes, through donations and sales of student made pottery, to replenish supplies and purchase materials not included in the art department budget enabling students to experiment with new glazes, different types of clay, texture tools, slump or hump molds, and new sculpting tools. The sale of student made pottery teaches how to produce work that is designed in ways intriguing enough for others to purchase and even to use themselves to eat from during class celebrations.
- RVHS Gardeners Fund – The purpose of this fund is to make the high school’s greenhouse self-sufficient by hosting annual plant sales in which the students seed and care for transplants that are sold to the community. Each year will support the following year economically. While providing a local product to the community, students will learn how to grow and maintain vegetable, fruit, herb and flower crops while being exposed to the process of running a small business.
- RVHS Musical Theater Fund – The vision for this fund, established by Judith and Peter Hauser, is to engage and support the diverse talents of the RVHS students, faculty and community members to produce an annual self-supporting musical in the high school.
- RVHS Parent Association Fund – This fund was established to support and promote programs and activities that enhance critical thinking and problem solving, encourage student directed learning and foster collaborative teamwork so that out graduates are prepared with skills and inspired to be stewards and empathetic leaders in this community and beyond.
- RVMS Chorus Account – used to collect and hold monies (donated and fundraised) to fund field trips for Chorus students in grades 4-8.
- RVMS Library – supports the school library program via fundraising efforts. The major fundraising effort each year is a book fair, The funds raised help support the book collection as well as special events in the library, such as author visits.
- RV Boys Soccer Fund – This purpose of this fund is to support our soccer program and to make a stronger connection between our soccer player and Rondout Valley High School. Funds raised will be used to run soccer clinics, tournaments and a spring league as wel as for the purchase of team shirts and equipment for events.
- Rondout Valley Future Farmers of America – The RV Chapter of the National FFA Organization makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.
- RV Girls Basketball Club – available for expenditures related to the girl’s basketball program that include, but not limited to things such as senior night recognition; award ceremonies; summer league; camp registration fees; additional supplies for the program when necessary and team building activities.
- RV Special Olympics Fund – The purpose of this fund is to provide Rondout Valley Special Olympics athletes, and their families, with any support necessary to facilitate their participation in Special Olympics training and competition. We complete fundraising activities, as well as accept donations from local organizations. Examples may include uniforms, transportation, coach training, and food for local or regional training and competitive opportunities. It also allows us to purchase supplies for our athletes to train and compete with.
- RV Track and Field Booster Club – The purpose of the Rondout Valley Track and Field Booster Club is to raise funds for camps, clinics, equipment and other items not covered by the yearly athletic budget. Our main fundraising event is the annual Gander Track and Field Invitational. The booster club hosts the invitational, organizes the event and pays for the timing and officials. School districts who attend will pay to attend. The booster club will also run the concession stand at the meet and sell sponsorship advertisements for the event.
- Sandra Taub Golden Determination Award Fund – This fund was initiated by Bruce Golden, in honor of his mother’s legacy of determination to recognize students, who regardless of ability and in the face of difficulties, have shown a determination to succeed in their educational endeavors. The Award is administered by the RVEF through the RVJH School Guidance Department and given on an annual basis to students on completion of their 8th grade year according to specific eligibility criteria.
- Science Research Program Fund – The purpose of this fund is to provide financial support to students in the science research program for costs associated with their research projects. Students complete a grant application form to apply for needed funding.
- Sue Matson Distinguished Youth Award Fund – This fund supports a financial award for a distinguished youth community member as chosen by the Rochester Youth Commission.
- Varsity Softball – allocates monies toward the improvement of the entire softball program at Rondout Valley, including equipment, clinics for athletes, or other related necessities not covered by the current Softball budget.
- WISE Grant Fund – The purpose of the WISE (Wise Individual Student Experience) Fund is to provide grants to students that are working on WISE projects for needed supplies or fees. Grant applications are reviewed by the WISE Task Force.
To set up a partnership fund with the RVEF please contact us by email at
– RVEF’s commitment: The RVEF is committed to manage the Fund in accordance with the stated purpose, process and procedures in the Fund Agreement.
– Management of the Fund: The RVEF will deposit all fundraiser proceeds and gifts donated to the Fund into the Fund’s account, which it may pool and manage with its other funds in accordance with regular RVEF investment and management policies. The Fund will be publicized to attract additional contributions.